Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spain Vacation: Day Ten; Food Food Food!

It was my second Friday in Barcelona.  This time I was much more aware of my surroundings.  I ventured out alone for most of the day.  About 4 blocks from Pari's apartment was a vegan store.  I wandered in and got a few items.  One was a chocolate covered eclair type item, another was an amazing ice cream item.

For lunch, I took myself out to a place called Juicy Jones.  It was an eclectic little vegan restaurant.  They offered a meal for about 8 euros that had bread, soup, entree, desert.  I jumped on it.  I had a potato soup, some Vietnamese noodle dish, and for desert I had some apple crisp.


After my lunch I walked to the tourist area of town.  I walked through the open air market and looked at all the gorgeous fruit and vegetable displays.  It was a nice walk around a town I was beginning to get familiar with.

One of Pari's friend was supposed to come over for dinner but she bailed out at the last minute.  I was in charge of cooking while Pari was at work.  I opted to make falafel.  Sometimes it is difficult to cook in a new kitchen, with someones else cookware, and in a country where the items seem slightly different.  As I tried to fry the falafel, the oil started to smoke and fulled the entire house!  Hocine came running into the kitchen asking what was going on.  We had to open all the windows and I was shut in the kitchen to fix the disaster.  I quickly got it under control and finished the falafel.  It did not hold together wonderfully but it tasted great.  I even whipped up a little cucumber sauce to have on the top.


  1. dare i say, some of the best falafel I've ever had. mmmm...

  2. Barcellona is so beautiful!! Enjoy it!


  3. How awesome that there's a vegan store right around the block! Yummy eats all around--glad you were able to tame the oil for the falafel!
