Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spain Vacation: Day Six; Gopal

Monday, Pari, Zahid, Azaam, Pari's friend Chris. and I all went to Gopal.  It is a vegan deli that has a plethora of different burgers to choose from.  They also have same cakes, donuts and other random items.  We feasted.

Chris had to get to work a bit earlier then Pari so she left after we ate.  Pari, the kids and I took our time walking back to the apartment.  On the way, I spotted a bakery that offered vegan goods. Despite having a sack full of donuts and cake already, I had to indulge more.  I grabbed 4 mini cupcakes.  They were expensive so I did not go overboard.

That evening, I ventured into the city alone.  I was a little concerned being on my own with my camera so I left it at the apartment.  I walked down to the port and watched the hundreds of sailboat in the bay.  I saw a huge tour ship dock and looked a dozens of shops before heading back.

That evening, Hocine made some Algerian food for us.  It was really good.  I do not have much experience with Algerian food so this was a nice treat.

When Pari got back from work, we ate snacks.  Lots of snacks.  Then stayed up really late talking.  It was a a relaxing day.


  1. no one does vegan pistachio cream cheese like these people. I'm crazing it just looking at the picture.
