Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Food I did not make!

Since I have been back from Spain I have been working nearly everyday.  That is the price of a vacation at my jobby job.  Once back, you will need to make up for it with a terrible schedule, despite the fact that you earned the vacation time to begin with.  Classic.

I have been back for nearly 3 weeks now and have only had 4 days off.  I am ready for another vacation, so I am taking one!  This one will be short, I will be taking Ashley and Kaleigh to Florida to visit with my mum.  We will do all sorts of fun things and it should be very relaxing.

In the meantime, I have been fortunate enough that some folks have helped me eat well while at work.  I made a trade with someone at work, I brought him some green smoothie, in exchange for some of his all corn tamales.  Since most tamales are not vegan, I have not had much experience with them however, these were fantastic!  They were so sweet.

Another friend of mine brought me some cakes from a local natural foods store.  I saved these for my bedtime snacks, after such long days, I deserved them!

Ashley also made me some of her amazing mac and cheese.  I have not had it in a long time but it is certainly my favorite recipe.  She does not cook often but Ashley is a great cook and I was thrilled to have a massive amount of this to tote to work with me day after day.

There is some degree of normality in store when I get back from Florida and until then, it is nice to have help from people to stay well fed!


  1. So where is all my food food


  2. Ashley's Mac & Cheese looks KILLER! Can we get the recipe (or just an ingredient list is fine, I could figure it out if you don't want to bother with the whole recipe).

    Your Spain trip looked awesome, I grieve the loss for you :-)


  3. your a lucky young man...enjoy all that food.

  4. ashley's mac looks delicious. have fun in FLA!

  5. its tamales vic.... sigh lol
