Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Duck Park!

I seem to be extremely far behind on posting blogs.  I have been back from my Florida trip for 5 days now and have not posted anything about the adventure.  I still feel like I have several days worth of pre-Florida blogs to post.

Prior to Florida, Ashley and I took Kaleigh to a local park.  I am not even really sure what it was called but they were calling it the duck park.  It made sense when I got there as there were ducks all over the place.  We brought some old stale bread to feed them.  Kaleigh loved it, they were eating right out of her hand.

We then played in a playground for a bit.  I encouraged Kaleigh to jump off the moving swing, promising I would catch her.  She did, I failed.  She went face down in the dirt.  She was uninjured but also unhappy with me.  She was a champion though, dusting her self off, sitting out for a couple minutes and then asking me to help her on the monkey bars.  I did not drop her this time.

After the park, We all came back to my house to celebrate Ashley finishing her finals.  We had some strawberry cake form Southern Sweets.  It is always a favorite and we take any opportunity we can to get some!

1 comment:

  1. Oh. MAN. I cannot believe you let that baby fall flat on her face!

    Bad Vic! Bad!
