Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fingers in a cake!?!?

With all my fresh vegetable broth, I was ready to make some dinner!  I am partial to stir-fry but due to its often, lack of creativity, I generally skip it.  I was dedicated to the idea with the new broth.  I made a great veggie stir-fry and with my new broth, I made a side of mango fried rice.  It was delicious and the rice was perfect.  The broth really added to the flavor.

Ashley and Kaleigh came over to celebrate my new investment property purchase.  We all gobbled up the stir fry and had a locally made cake to enjoy after.  Someone stuck their fingers in the icing of the cake before we ate it cut it.  It must have been the 5 year old, surely it wasn't me!


  1. That stir fry looks amazing! And for the record, forget the finger I'd shove my face in that amazing looking cake!

  2. That frosting does look both beautiful and highly tempting- I wouldn't blame anyone for being unable to resist a lick (or finger-full)!
