Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stave off the hunger

As I thought, the roommate situation is helping me to cook.  Even if I am still not cooking as often as I would like, I have made a few more meals worth mentioning then I would have prior.  There is something about the presence of someone else that helps me stay accountable to myself.  I suppose that is a sad statement about me, but I will take it for what it is right now.

One evening both Jamie and I were milling around the kitchen looking for what to make.  She had some bagels and greens, I had some chic peas and tahini.  We combined our efforts and I wiped up some quick sun dried tomato hummus while she toasted her bagels.  Nothing fancy, nothing special, but some hummus and bagel sandwiches go a long way to stave off the hunger.


  1. That sandwich looks perfect! It combines everything that I love. Yum! Looks like the roommate situation is definitely working out :)

  2. hummus on a bagel is perfection.
