Saturday, March 17, 2012

Recipe: S'mores Cookies

I have been in a cookie mood recently.  Experimenting with my poor baking skills and wild ideas.  I stumbled onto a fantastic cookie!  I had to make them twice to, in order to be sure it was not a fluke.  It was not, these are fantastic.   The perfect bedtime snack for a cool spring evening.

S'mores Cookies

2 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar

3/4 cup of chocolate chips
1/3 cup of brown sugar
2/3 cup of vegan marshmallows
1/2 cup of oil
1/4 cup of water
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of salt

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Chop the marshmallows into 1/8 inch chunks.  If the marshmallows are too large, they will expand and the cookies will not hold.  Do not overlook the step.

In a bowl, add the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, brown sugar, chips, and marshmallows and stir well.  Add the oil, water, and vanilla and mix well.  This dough should be a nice brown color and damp.

Form into 1 inch balls on a baking sheet.  Bake for about 14 minutes and allow to cool on the baking sheet for another 5 after removing from the oven.  This will allow the marshmallows to shrink back to a normal size.  Then place cookies on a cooling rack and allow to cool.


  1. Um, yummy!!! I'm going to make these with my friend Terri

  2. Yum these look so delicious!! These will be a great summer treat :)

  3. Nice cookies and cool new look of the blog :-).


  4. I'm going to make these but as I lack baking powder I'm going to grill them and see what happens. Also, I note you changed your layout!

  5. sounds delicious, Vic.
    I saw this site today and thought you might have interest if you hadn't seen it before.
    she has two blogs- "Vegan guinea pig" and "The Lady & seitan"

    :) Ame

  6. Vic, I finally made these (without the marshmallow and chocolate though)! They are absolutely delicious and they get super crunchy when you leave them out for a bit long. I didn't have baking powder so I used baking soda and vinegar and it worked just as well! This is definitely my go-to vegan recipe from now on.
