Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Nomads are Settling Down

I have been working the jobby job for over 8 years now.  For about half of that time, it was something I enjoyed and saw a future in (to some extent).  In the last couple years it has become fairly unbearable, as we cut staffing and add additional responsibilities with no extra compensation.  I have been looking for an out.  The Real Estate market has yet to make a substantial recovery here in Georgia and has not proven to be a reliable vehicle out of the jobby job.

In that time, I have become one of the most financially conservative people I know.  I save money anywhere I can and it has helped.  A year ago I decided that buying cheap move-in ready properties and renting them out would be a way to get out of the jobby job.

This is the first step.  It has been a long process but it a major risk with a great reward.  I have purchased my first investment property, in cash.  No mortgages lessens the risk and allows me full equity.  I now have a solid plan for my exit from a job that I do not want to be in.  I also will have options financially for some time.

I am very proud of myself and all that this purchase shows about me, my determination, my commitment, my patience.  I have come a long way from the 21 year old guy who had lived in 6 states in 2 years.

The Nomads are Settling Down.


  1. Happy for you. And you're inspiring me. Im' in the same job for 10 years. A job that's changing so much that I'm starting to dislike it. Now, I'm scared I would never find another one and to afraid to start on my own. My daughter is now almost 18 and want's to study something very expensive. So it's good to read other people have the courage. Thank you.

  2. Well done and keep going with your dreams :-).

    Make it happen!!!

