Sunday, March 4, 2012

I turned 32!

Saturday was my Birthday.  The big 32.  No a significant number but still a significant day.  As a child, I stopped celebrating holidays at about the age of 13 or so.  I would not accept gifts of christmas, eat veggie dogs on thanksgiving, stayed home of halloween ,etc.  This made the one day of the year that was meant to celebrate me all the more important.  It set very high expectations that could hardly be lived up too.  At 32, I have tried to quell the significance of the day for myself but it is difficult.

This birthday was not extravagant but certainly one of the better ones in the last few years.  It actually started Friday, when I got a nice surprise.  A couple of friends came to my work with a book for me!  Then, after work, Ashley met me at my house and made me dinner.  As someone who cooks often, it is rare that I am the one that gets to relax while someone else prepares for for me.  It meant a lot and was a nice change of pace.  Ashley is a very good cook but does not give herself enough credit.

She made mini calzone type things.  It was spinach, potatoes, and green peppers with some herbs mashed into a pizza like dough, folded over and baked.  She started to panic a bit when she realized that she forgot to add cilantro so we wiped but a quick cilantro dip to go on the side.  They were great, the garlic asparagus on the side just added to the yummy-ness of dinner.

The next morning, I woke up and opened a couple of cards I got in the mail (that I saved for the big day).  Ashley got me a couple tickets to an upcoming basketball game with the Boston Celtics.  I am really looking forward to that!  Unrelated, I got a CD I ordered in the mail.  A great big vegan cake, watched a movie and had an early dinner at Green Sprout.

That evening, Ashley and I went out to a comedy club.  Myk Kaplan is a vegan atheist comedian which seemed like the perfect addition to the birthday.  All in all it was a good day!


  1. Happy birthday!! It sounds like a perfect way to celebrate your special day. Those calzone pockety things look SOO good and that cake is gorgeous! So glad you enjoyed your day :)

