Friday, March 30, 2012

House, Spain, Food!

I have gotten so much done this week, I am shock at myself.  I should be ready for my first renter in a week or so.  In the meantime, I am preparing for my trip to Spain.  I have been to distracted with the house to get excited but I am trying to focus on it now.  I want to treat it like a reward for my hard work!

I hope to get back into the kitchen soon.  I have been eating far to many quick 1 player foods.  I have made a couple of decent dishes to take to work though.  It has now been nearly 18 months since I have paid for food while at work.  It has saved me thousands, literally.

I made some basil chili for work which turned out very good.  I made to much and may try to freeze it though.

Having a roommate has helped me eat a littler better as well.  Occasionally we offer each other lefter overs.  She made some great bruschetta recently.  I got to have a couple of pieces.  Despite the fact that she says she can not cook, Jamie's bruschetta was phenomenal.  I have never made it myself but I think I am going to give it a shot after this!

Of course, since it is March, I have tried to catch a few college basketball games.  That means DYI fries!  Always the best!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy your trip to Spain and that you'll keep all of us posted on all of your vegan eating adventures while you're there!
