Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Smoothie Salvation

I have had a lot on my mind recently and there seem to be many changes on the horizon, some good, some we will have to wait and see.  I have not been cooking as much as I should or want to.  I have lacked the motivation and time.  I have however, consistently been making smooithes.

Each day prior to work, I blend some juice and frozen fruit together to take with me.  It makes me feel good.  I missed a day last week and my entire work shift was crummy.  They make they day go by with less trouble.  Hurray for smoothies!


  1. Smoothies can be a life saver when time is scarce!
    I have been traveling lot and didn't always have enough internet connection to visit other blogs, so sorry if I haven't been around recently, I hope that you are well. How is your winter?


  2. I've been drinking smoothies a lot too! I never thought I'd be a smoothie every day girl but I can totally relate now! Your smoothie looks beautiful, what a great color!

  3. I love smoothies! Except, as of late, I've been torturing myself and adding 3-4 vegetable servings to each smoothie. Which is great, but they don't taste nearly as delicious as fruit smoothies.
