Monday, February 20, 2012

Back in the rotation and an upcoming trip

Well, I had been drinking mainly fruit based smoothies for several months now.  The green smoothies have been on hiatus for no particular reason.  I have just recently started making them again and it feels great!  There is not much as refreshing as a glass full of raw spinach.

In other news, I have booked a spring time vacation.  My old friend Pari, from my days living in Mass, now lives in Spain.  I picked up my air fare tickets the other day and in late April, I will be taking a trip to Barcelona!  I am pretty excited.

Although it does not come at the most opportune time financially, I am not sure I should pass up such an amazing opportunity.  Hiking in the mountains in northern Spain and southern France seems worth a slight financial stress.

It will be great to see my friend as well.  I have not seen her in years.  I can recall sitting in NYC apartments making Indian food and eating with our fingers, causing trouble in prospect park, and marching through the streets at the 41 shots march.  It will be a great trip!


  1. Wow, Barcellona is one of my favourite cities, You will love it!!!


  2. That is so great that you are going to take the opportunity to go on this amazing trip! I hope that you have an amazing time, Im so jealous, I've always wanted to go to Spain!

    Can't neglect that lovely smoothie, it looks really vibrant and fresh!
