Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Something Special

Many years ago, I turned 5.  I do not remember anything about that day which is unfortunate considering I am sure there was substantial effort put in by my family and friends.  I am sure I got hyped up on sugar, played with new toys, and had a great time.  At the age of 5, on your birthday, it is hard not to enjoy being the center of everyones attention.

Today, a great friend on mine, Kaleigh (Ashley's daughter) turned 5.  I had the privileged to be invited to the small family gathering at a local pizza shop (with vegan options and some vegan cake that we brought).  I contributed a couple of books and picture to the spoils.  Most of the gifts were overlooked (temporarily) as she basked in her much deserved attention.  It was great to see her so excited.

I will be the first to admit that I do not know much about children.  However, by my estimation, Kaleigh is a great kid.  She is one of the most patient people I know (even at 5) and she really thrives to soak up information.  She shows compassion and reason in her choices and is generally a treat to be around.  Knowing her has made me a better person.  She has taught me so much.

Although I do not recall my 5th birthday and she may not recall hers, I will remember this day for a long time.  It was great to be a part of this and celebrate the end of a year with her.  Thank you for inviting me in.

Happy Birthday Kaleigh!

Kaleigh was using the camera when she caught me stealing the last bite of Ashley's cake!


  1. Dude! My name is Kaleigh, spelled exactly the same way! That's a first for me (and I'm 22 years old). Awesome. Happy birthday to Kaleigh! Looks like it was a fun time :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Kaleigh! It looks like a really lovely party for her and it is nice that she enjoyed it :) That cake looks SO delicious and I think you know a lot more about kids than you think. It looks like you and Kaleigh have a nice bond :)
