Monday, January 2, 2012

Lunch with a Friend

Despite being busy over the holiday period, I was able to find an afternoon to see a good friend of mine.  Shazia was back in Atlanta for her school break.  We went to a local vegetarian Indian place that I really enjoy but do not frequent often enough.  We split a great meal, told old stories and caught up on new happenings.  It was a really nice afternoon and a wonderful break from the grind.

It is always a bonus to go out to eat with someone who is not vegan as we can order platters to save money but do not have to waste the dairy items.


  1. Yum what a beautiful meal! I'm sure it was even better with the company of a good friend. I'm visiting my best friend in Florida in February and I have a feeling I'm going to have many great meals with great company like this one and I'm very excited about it :)
