Monday, January 9, 2012

A day of food and fun

I spent a day with Ashley and her daughter recently.  They choose what we were going to do and I just mainly went along with it.  The day started with them bringing me some breakfast biscuits!  They got up early and made themselves breakfast and held a couple biscuits back to bring to my house.  They were great.

Kaleigh and I cleaned the driveway off with the blower and they helped a bit with some yard work.  We were going to have a late lunch / early dinner so that we could go to the museum and planetarium that evening.  After some discussion, we decided on some seitan chickin nuggets, fries, steamed squash, and some peach ice cream for dessert.

We spent an hour of so at the museum and found a cool human kaleidoscope box.  Then we went to see the planetarium show.  It was actually awful.  All of us were fidgeting and ready for it to be over.  We did get to look through a massive telescope and see what they told us was Jupiter and 2 of its moons.  They was pretty cool.

Over all it was a fun day and I am glad I got to share it with them.  Nothing like skipping school to do fun things.


  1. Everything looks super yummy and I Looooooove your plates. They are georgous.

  2. YUM!! I used to LOVE biscuits so I'm incredibly jealous of those yummy looking biscuits and the seitan nuggets sound so good! Sounds like a great day!

  3. That last photos is great, a bit spooky but great :-)



  4. Those biscuits look perfect! Well done Ashley and daughter! And those seitan chickin' nuggets look the business! I can imagine devouring those very happily.

    Sounds like a fun day out despite the planetarium being a disappointment, but seeing Jupiter does sound cool...the human kaliedescope looks sort of trippy; I don't think I'd like to see that much of myself! :D
