Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unseasonal Meal of Amazing Celebration!

Ashley came over for a visit this afternoon.  It was nice to see her.  She has been busy getting all A's in her classes at school.  She did a great job this semester.  I can not imagine trying to work, raise a child, and go through a demanding school program all at the same time.  I am super proud of her.

To celebrate, we did what any Atlanta vegan does, cake from Southern Sweets!  She picked a chocolate cake.  A classic and favorite.  Before we devoured the dessert, we had to eat some lunch.

We stopped at the farmers market to get some avocado and mango.  Completely out of season and it tasted like it was.  We made do, and created some great burritos.  Ashley and I ate burritos all the time over the summer but neither of us had eaten them recently.  There are few things like a good burrito!

Congratulations Ashley, you are an inspiration!  Keep going, you will get there soon!


  1. Oh wow, that is one stunning cake! Those frosting skills put mine to shame. Gotta start practicing again, seriously!

  2. Holy moly that cake is amazing! Looks so delicious! The burritos sound super delicious. But that

  3. That cake. That icing. Together. I now know what angels enjoy. And apparently you :)
