Monday, November 7, 2011

Salvaged Dinner for Three!

Over the weekend I went to see my pals at crack the plates for dinner and conversations.  We brainstormed some wild ideas about the Atlanta vegan community.  I will share more on that at a later date.  We ate a great salvaged meal.  It was something that was a lunch or some sort and all leftovers to be thrown away.  Nate grabbed them up, Adrienne made them edible, and I ate them.

It was a nice beans and rice meal with a side salad.  Adrianne went out of her way to make some amazing cup cakes for dessert, despite feeling ill.  It was a fun night of heated conversations and inspiring ideas.  Horry for great people and great food!


  1. it was great! can't wait for our next dinner...or d&d, whichever comes first.

  2. Oooh rice and beans is probably my current favorite meal. Mix that with good company AND cupcakes and it sounds like a great night! I'm interested in seeing what you came up with when you were brainstorming.

  3. Nice food is nicer with good company :-)
