Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner!

Breakfast for dinner often gets overlooked in my house.  I am not sure why, I really enjoy a good breakfast.  Maybe I will look at it as more of an option on the future.

On Monday, Ashley and her daughter, Kaleigh came over for breakfast for dinner.  It was fun and Kaleigh was able to help in the cooking a lot.  She basically did the pancakes herself.  She cut the strawberries, mixed the batter, and flipped them.  We had a lot of fun and I was surprised at how her attention span lasted the entire cooking process.

We ended up with some great food.  We had pancakes (strawberry, chocolate chuck and raspberry), homefries, and tofu scrambler.  It was great fun and i was sad to see them leave.


  1. having breakfast for dinner is the best. I do this a lot. Good job Vic.

  2. This looks like a fantastic meal, no matter what time of day. And that creamy topping, wow!

  3. Breakfast is by far my favorite meal so I would eat it every meal if I could. Your breakfast for dinner looks AMAZING!

  4. Wow, looks so yummy! Breakfast for dinner always hits the spot.

    I love mix of sweet and savory.

  5. Oh that looks and sounds so good right now! I love breakfast any time :)

  6. I love brinner!

    We have been on the same wavelength recently:

    I think our posts are dated the exact same day.

    Great minds!


  7. chocolate CHUCKS? :)

