Monday, November 14, 2011

500 posts and 4 years later...

This is my 500th post on my blog.  Not only that but it is right around the 4 year marker for writing here.  It was interesting how I got started; at the time, I was taking some college classes, one of which was an English writing class.  My professor said that I should look into getting a degree is English as she really enjoyed my writing.  She said I have a "unique voice is writing", my step brother (also an English teacher) has said the same thing and I am not quite sure I even know what it means.

My professor said she would really like to see me write more.  I wrote a few things for the school paper but nothing significant.  One day, after class, she showed me her blog.  It was the first time I ever read a blog.  I was living with Jamie at the time and she had just started a blog to sell some of her artwork.  From there, I made my first post.

I remember posting it and feeling like I would not be likely to ever post again.  I felt like it would be unlikely that anyone would read it and that there was not much of a point.  Even now, I am not sure what kept me posting but I did.

Writing has kept me focused over the years.  I think it has certainly helped me eat better and motivated me to cook more often.  It has occasionally felt like a chore but overall has been a real joy.  Happy 500th post to me and my blog!  No signs of stopping!

In honor of my milestone achievement, I made myself a layered strawberry cake!  Another testament to my struggling to improve baking skills.  It was a great bedtime snack though!


  1. Congratulations! That is quite a milestone!

  2. Here's to the next five hundred :)

  3. Happy 500. And I want a piece of that cake :-)

  4. Happy 500! Congrats! The cake looks amazing!!!!

  5. Wow congrats on 500 that is such an amazing accomplishment! The cake is beautiful, definitely a perfect way to celebrate!

  6. Hey, congrats on the 500 posts! The cake looks like one from a bakery, well done!

  7. Great way to celebrate--the cake looks lovely! Congratulations on your 500--

  8. Congratulations! As always, your food looks AMAZING.

  9. congratulations! I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts!

  10. Congratulation Vic, and keep writing, and baking!!!


  11. congrats on your 500th post! I love your blog and enjoy your stories and of course THE FOOD!

  12. Wow, congratulations! 500 posts is a big accomplishment, and you haven't even been in the game for that long. Can't wait to see what the next 500 will bring. :)

  13. Congratulations!. the cake looks amazing!
