Friday, September 16, 2011

Amicalola Falls

After the apple orchard, we followed the tradition of last year and headed town the road to Amicalola State Park.  After a short hike through a well beaten path, the trail takes a new turn.  A staircase of 175 steps begins.  It is quite a climb but well worth it once you see the falls at the top.  Last year, Kaleigh was half asleep and was not old enough to walk the entire distance.  This year, not only did she climb to the top on her own but she even had the energy to climb out on the rocks with me and play in the smaller falls.

It was a great end to the day.  Ashley and I wore her out so much that Kaleigh slept the whole way back to Atlanta.  It was a full day and resulted in a large sack of apples at my house, I have no idea what I will do with them all.


  1. Wow that place looks GORGEOUS!! Looks like you guys had an amazing day, what beautiful pics! :)

  2. Yes beautiful pics, what a place :-). I love waterfalls!


  3. Make homemade apple sauce! It's so delicious! And a pie, of course :)

    So great that Kaleigh could hike all the way this time--isn't it crazy how kids grow up so fast?
