Monday, August 8, 2011

Whose recipe is this?

Since I was out of snacks, and Ashley was bringing her daughter over for a couple hours for a visit, I thought it would be fun for the three of us to bake some cookie (and for them to leave the bulk of them here when they left).  When they got here, we drove right in.  Ashley was actually making some lunch while Kaleigh and I were mixing cookie batter.  Then Ashley and Kaleigh spooned out the batter (I think I saw Kaleigh like the spoon!) and tossed them in the oven.

Since we were using my own recipe for the cookies, I figured that I would remember it.  I was wrong.  I completely forgot the brown sugar and had to add more white sugar.  Then I noticed that I was out of vanilla so we used almond extract which game them a slightly cherry flavor.  Then I got the time wrong and we overcooked them.

In the end, we had white colored, cherry tasting, very crunchy chocolate chip cookies.  All in all, they were still cookies and they will all disappear as the nights grow long.  I  am not sure how exactly I failed to bake with my own recipe, but, lesson learned.  Next time I will look it up.

It has been a hap-hazard week in the kitchen.  I made some mediocre lasagna and failed with some cookies.  It will not matter though, my belly will be full and my mouth happy.

Vacation will be here shortly and I am really looking forward to a break.  It will be really nice to see the family, both biological and non.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmh, almond extract with cherry flavout???

    Still, they look good in the photo.

    I hopo that you will have a good vacation :-)

