Friday, August 26, 2011

Mainely Vacation: Day Five - Family Visit

Day five was Monday.  I got up and did a few things trying to help my mother load pictures from her memory card on her computer.  Success.

I had a little lunch and headed to see my sister Nikki and her two kids.  I have only seen her a few ties on the last several years but I wanted to make sure I made time on this trip.  We chatted for a bit and my nice and I, Leann, shared some raspberries.  My nephew, Jake, and I played some video games.  I lost.  Often.

After the visit with my sister, I headed to my dad's house.  As I pulled in the driveway, I was shocked to see some amazing landscaping and gardening work.  My dad had even made a metal lawn ornament that was pretty cool.

Apparently, my step-mother, Sue had dedicated much of her time to the yard.  It looked great.  As I walked around the back of the property, there was a large garden and even a row of hanging tomato plants.  This placed looked great.

My dad, Sue, another sister of mine, Alisha, and I all went out to eat at a Chinese place.  It was a fun night even if the weather was not great. 

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