Saturday, June 4, 2011

Vacation in Town: Day 3

Another day of kid-ville.  We got up a little late but headed to a museum.  It was a risk with Tayshaun being so young and there being so many things that he can not touch.  It started off with a lot of disappointment from him but it soon shaped up after we found the kids room.

Ashley and her daughter, Kaleigh, joined us again for the day.  We were lucky because Ashley packed a great lunch of sandwiches, carrots, crackers, and juice.  It was by far the best lunch we have had on over the last several days.  Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures.

After lunch, Ashley, Kaleigh, and I tried to watch an IMax movie.  Tayshaun was too restless to sit through it so he went to the kids room.  About 5 minutes into the film, some chowder-head pulled the fire alarm and we had to exist.  It was a false alarm but we were unable to watch the movie.  We did play in the kids areas for a good part of the afternoon.

Dinner was pizza again.  With so many different people and a local pizza shop that offers vegan pizza, it is an easy solution.  Once again, I forgot to take pictures.

When we were done eating, I had a surprise for the Tayshaun and Kaleigh.  We went outside and I made them stand by the wall.  I quickly pulled out a watergun and squirted them both!  Then is started.  It was about an hour long water fight and the only one that did not get in it was Jazaiah.  Caitlyn stay out of the fray for much of it but Amy and Ashley both got in it on occasion.

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