Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cherry Vanilla Smoothie

My ankle is feeling much better.  Thankfully, it was a minor sprain.  With a couple of days trying to stay off my feet and elevating it at night, it seems to be back to about 90% health.  That is very good news for my upcoming trip to North Carolina.  It seems I will be able to get some hiking in after all.

Since my family left, I have been plugging away at the jobby job trying to log hours so that I do not have to take as much vacation time.  I like to save it for as long as I can and I have a large trip to Maine at the end of the summer that I will use most of my time for.

My younger brother, Ben, called me this morning to let me know that he would be in town for the weekend on the 17th.  I am going to try and get some of that weekend off from the jobby job.  It will be nice to see him.  This is like the year of the family.  It is rare for a member of my family to come visit me but it seems that most of them have come this year.

I did whip up a great smoothie that I thought I would share.  It is very simple, super sweet, and freshreshing.

Cherry Vanilla Smoothie

1 banana
2 cups of apple juice
2 cups of cherries (pitted)
1 tablespoon of vanilla powder

Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.  Make sure that the vanilla powder has dissolved to avoid grainy a texture.  Chill for about 30 minutes for a nice cool temperature.


  1. The cherry smoothie looks really really fab!

    Keep that ankle up!


  2. Oooh nice. Another way to use up the cherries that seem to be falling from the sky this time of year.
