Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bedtime Snack Update

My bedtime snacks this week have been great.  Ashley is back on her cookie making kick, which I am the benefactor of most of the time.  This time around she made peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies.  As always, they were fantastic.

Also, one afternoon, she was given a cupcake from one of her customers at her job, a vegan friend of hers.  It was a chocolate cupcake with chai cream cheese icing.  It was really good.  The icing had a very unique flavor and was high on sugar, which is always a plus in icing!

Now I am running low on treats so I may have to break down and cook some myself.  Pity.


  1. Hmm, I am craving chocolate cake with fudge frosting and a peanut butter layer!!

  2. Yum!

    I posted some vegan treats too :-)

