Wednesday, May 11, 2011


With Tato visiting for the weekend, I tried to spend some time at home with him.  It has been a long time since I was able to see him so I wanted to take advantage.  More time at home meant, cooking!

It began with some very basic mashed sweet potato.  It was a nice shot of vitamin A and went well with a generic vegan rib sandwich.  It was a nice dinner late on Friday night.  It coupled well with a nice spinach smoothie!

The following day, I made a massive batch of my chic pea chicken salad.  This has been a hit with everyone that has tried it.  I made enough that both Ashley and I could take sandwiches to work the following day and have some left over.


  1. Cool spinach smoothie! I posted a super juice too (made with the juicer, not the blender) + a nice vegan Thai curry, come and have a look when you have time :-).


  2. wow...yummy food and some great company...what's better than that. Glad you enjoyed your friend Tato.
