Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blackberry Banana Smoothie

Since I got my high-tech blender back in November, I have been taking a lot smoothies to work.  It has been almost everyday.  Not only has it saved me money, it has felt good to have some nice fruits in me.  I tend to not eat incredible well at the jobby job.  In saying that, I have been asked to come up with a high protein, gluten free, soy free, fat free, smoothie that tastes great.  I was thinking about trying to make some sort of oatmeal smoothie but I am not sure.

In the meantime, I have been tearing up the fruit smoothies and the green smoothies.  Here is one I threw together recently.  I realize that for many foodies, these are silly recipes to post but many of my readers are people that are not foodies and have used some of my basic recipes in their own homes.

Happy Cinco De Mayo, for whatever that is worth.

Blackberry Banana Smoothie

1 banana
2 cups of blackberries
2 cups of apple juice
2 tablespoons of non-dairy ice cream
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Put all ingrdients in a blender and puree until smooth.  To remove the seeds, sift through a cheesecloth.  I generally do not mind the seeds and drink them down, but blackberries may grow in my belly.  We will see.


  1. Yum, almost a dessert :-)


  2. I'm sure its tasty, but its also so pretty to look at.

  3. seeds, pulp, i love it all, just reminds me what i'm drinking is made from real fruit. good point about not assuming that everyone knows as much about food. I forget that sometimes.

  4. Um...yes please!!! I will take one of those to go. :) I love smoothies like these!

  5. HA...If blackberries start to grow in your belly, then they are going to grow in mine too. I love having a smoothie every morning. They are so refreshing.
    BTW, I just checked out Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe online. I had never heard of it. Thanks for telling me about it. Your lucky that you have one where you live!

  6. i love vanilla in smoothies! i just started to do it a few months ago, what was i waiting for!!i like your idea of putting in a small amount of V ice cream:)

  7. This is more of a dessert smoothie, being it has non-dairy ice cream in it. Yum! You could use a coconut yogurt or I've heard there is an almond yogurt out now I have yet to try.
