Monday, April 11, 2011

Zucchini Lotus and Tofu Stir-fry

Friday was Chinese food day at my house.  I made a few nice dishes that I will share.  The first was simple stir-fry.  This recipe uses a technique that I call "dry fry" for tofu.  I am sure there is another name for it but for now, this will work. By "frying" the tofu without and oil it will dry it out a bit and the edges will get crispy.  A common complain from the tofu critics is that is feels mushy.  This is one way to cook with it and avoid the mushy texture.

If you can not find lotus root, water chestnuts can be substituted.

Zucchini Lotus and Tofu Stir-fry

1 shallot (sliced)
3 cloves of garlic
1 large zucchini (cubed)
1/2 pound of extra firm tofu (cubed)
1  1/2 cup of mushrooms (straw or shiitake)
1/2 cup of lotus root (thinly sliced)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon of chili paste
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon of sugar

Bring a non-stick pan to med heat.  Place the cubed tofu pieces in the pan and stir.  They should give off a sizzle as they hit the pan.  Allow the tofu too cook for about 5-8 minutes, stir frequently.  Do not allow the tofu to stick to the pan or it will break apart.  Once the tofu has release most of the liquid and had begun to brown on the sides, add the sesame oil.  Reduce heat to med-low and stir, allowing to fry for about 5 minutes.  The oil will soak into the tofu and add some solid flavor and allow a more traditional fried flavor.

Add the vegetable oil, zucchini, lotus root, mushrooms, garlic, shallot, and chili paste and stir well.  Fry for about 5 minute or until the zucchini begins to get soft.  Add the soy sauce, sugar, and hoisin sauce, increase the heat back to med.  Allow to fry for about 5 minutes stirring frequently.

Serve topped with scallions or sesame seeds.


  1. Mmmmmmm this sounds very tasty...

  2. Frying the tofu without oil... interesting, I always put a little oil, but I suppose I don't tend to use non-stick pans.

    The dish looks really lovely, the lotus and mushrooms are beautiful :-)


  3. I've always wanted to cook with lotus, but haven't gotten around to it. Such a beautiful stir-fry!

  4. Hmmmm, interesting tofu idea. Thanks!
