Thursday, April 21, 2011

Real Fries and Mango!

Rael Estate! Real Estate! Real Estate!  I am sure several of my readers are sick of hearing about this part of my life but it is a big deal.  I have been real working hard on getting new clients and several have been referred to me which feels great.  I see some big things in the future for me!

In the meanwhile, I have been watching the playoffs.  Basketball has been on my mind often.  It is that time of the year.  Food-wise, that mean....french fries!  How can anyone complain about a night on the couch watching a game with a monster plate of fries?

As bad as a big plate of fries are for me, I have been eating well at work.  In fact, I used the leftover beans from my meal last week to make a burrito for work.  Fresh mango was so good!  This ended up being so juicy and filling.  Perfect for work.

I have a few fun plans for this weekend coming up so I hope to share again soon.  I am sure I will be able to get in the habit of consistent blogging in no time.


  1. on a burrito? That sounds good! I'll have to try that. :o)
    Oh, I hear about real estate at home from my hubby, so your good with me. You're right, it is a big deal. :) Referrals are awesome!

  2. Real fries are good, a good break for a hard working real estate agent :-).

    And mango is even better :-)


  3. id never get sick of hearing about hings going well for

    mango, my arch nemesis...thanks to that fruit i had a 100 dollar+ dr bill:) highly allergic!!hahah ttysoon!

  4. Homemade french fries are one of the best things in the world. I would even watch sports just to eat them!

    And mango in a burrito - genius!
