Friday, April 15, 2011

More Whoopie!

This has been a good week.  I have done some great Real Estate business as well as putting n a full schedule at the jobby job.  I am really looking forward to more Real Estate business.  It is something that I really enjoy.

Friday night was a night off from both jobs.  Ashley came over and we made dinner but I will save that post for another day.  For dessert, we got the creative juices flowing again with more whoppie pies!  I had the idea of making a red velvet with a cream cheese icing.  Ashley came up the brilliant idea of chocolate chip whoopies!

We decided to make 2 types, one was a traditional white cake with chocolate chips and chocolate chunks folded into the icing.  The other was a double chocolate.  We made a chocolate cake with chips in it and still folded the chucks into the icing.

All three flavors were awesome and I am close to sharing a recipe.  In the meantime, we have 17 whoopie pies to eat.  That is a lot of bedtime snacks for me!


  1. These whoopies are totally gorgeous...dare I say, the most appetizing I've ever seen. I want recipes! You'll be credited!!

  2. Geeee you are the king of whoopies!

  3. Wow that looks amazing, especially since I cannot eat it.

    Any decisions on your new blog name?

  4. Wow, now I want to make some whoopies too :-)

  5. glad to hear the real estate job i spicking up, gives me hope! that frosting looks dangerously good:)
