Monday, March 28, 2011

Vegan Bale Sale

Saturday was the Atlanta Vegan Bakes Sale to Benefit Japan.  Who am I to pass up vegan baked goods?  Ashley and I had a plan to go but could not stay long since the chains of the jobby job were short that day.  We did pick up some fun items that we split up and I will be eating for my bedtime snacks for a couple of days.

Dough Bakery made a whole cart full of whoppie pies, there were several other vegan bakers there with some amazing spreads.  It was a nice time with some great treats.


  1. WOW! I wish I was there. I was working until late that day so I could not make it :-( The cupcakes look so seductive! I hope that the bake sale helped to raise a lot of money.

  2. Looks good, especially the cupcakes. I have the same stand but smaller.

    Japan is a worry, those nuclear reactors... many of my friends there have young children, what a nightmare!

  3. What a delicious and beautiful assortment of treats! And such a worthy cause... Hope it was a fantastic success!

  4. what a great event! wish i was there:(

  5. I am drooling looking at all these great baked goods. What a treat and a great benefit idea.

  6. Wow your bake sale looks great! Omaha is having a vegan one for Japan as well :)

  7. Aww, this looks great! Wish I still lived in Atlanta!

  8. Hi friend! Thanks so much for posting pictures of my cupcakes! Did I have the honor of meeting you early on in the event (when you gave me your card)? I hope I don't have you confused. Find me on facebook at twitter at the same. Hope to see you again soon!
