Thursday, February 10, 2011

Me? A stylish blogger?

Thank you Crissa at Coffee & Sunshine for this award!

Although I often thing awards are silly, these blog awards are something I enjoy.  I think they are a great way to network and get share readers of like-minded blogs.

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Make a post & link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Award ten recently discovered great bloggers (sorry to the folks I have been reading for a long time, you get left out of this one).
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won.

1. I do not like tomatoes.  If they appear in my salad photos, someone else is at my house and enjoys them.   After the photo, I pick them out!

2. I play a lot of games.  Silly games.

3. Ironically, seitan is not one of my favorite foods.

4. I am drug free.

5. Most people think I am intimidating.

6.I hate the Los Angeles Lakers.

7. I may be doing something awesome as you read this.

The awards I will give out go to:

this is a great blog about budget veganism.

this is a friend here in Atlanta that write a great vegan blog.

an old punk rock buddy of mine started a pickle business.

a great veg blogger from New Zealand.

a fun vegan blogger with very fun recipes.

a fun and animal friendly blog.

a great new blogger.

vegan weight loss blog by a totally sweetie.

colorful and friendly vegan blogger.

a well constructed blog of un-processed vegan foods.


  1. What awesome thing may you be doing? :)

  2. Golly, thank you so much Vic!

    May I advise to your readers that on my blog there are both Vegan and Vegetarian recipes?

    I am a vegetarian, although most of my dinners are vegan. May I add that for those of your readers who are not interested to endure my travel photos, book news, personal gardening issues, and girly blablablas, as well as lacto-ovo recipes (yep, my blog has become a bit of an indulgence!)
    I have a collection of only vegan recipes here

    Vic, thank you again, you are so sweet, even if you don't like tomatoes :-)

  3. You don't like tomatoes? I'm, actually I'm also surprised about the seitan...your seitan steaks are one of my fav recipes.

    Great list! Have fun doing something awesome.

  4. hey:) thank you!!!
    #7 intrigues me,
    #1 made me laugh
    #2 makes me wonder what games im missing out on
    #5 i can see, but not in a mean way
    #4 i didnt do drugs either, although, im a perfect canidate for (drug)abuse :), i could have been the poster child,lol.
    #6 yea baseball sucks!

    ya melomeals!

  5. I hate tomatoes and the Lakers too. Tomatoes are for my husband, I only like them in cooked form, never raw.

  6. Hey, thank you. This makes my day, weekend, week, ... .
    I don't dislike tomatoes, only winter tomatoes.

  7. Aw!!!!! You are no nice and sweet yourself;) But fair warning I am not actually a Vegan. I just make vegan recipes sometimes. And then I add sausage;)

  8. Thanks girly! I just saw this - for some odd reason your comment was in my spam folder!
