Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a bit

Sometimes there is so much going on that you do not know what to say.  This is one of those times.  I wish my life was a little less dramatic right now and different outcomes had taken place but I can only try to make things better.  Maybe I will share some of what I am talking about later but for now, suffice it to say that I am still grinding it out and working hard.  My motivation for cooking has been slipping with spending so much time alone but it will get better.  Here are a few things that have been on the menu in my kitchen over the last week.
chocolate covered strawberries

vanilla cake with peanut butter icing

chocolate covered raisin oat stuff

With so many thing on my mind and in my life I should find more motivation to cook and create so that I can occupy my mind.  We will see.


  1. I hope things get better soon. And maybe this get you motivated for cooking: I really like to read your blog and lots of time your food inspires me.

  2. I also hope that things will turn out ok for you, in the meantime always take care of yourself Vic, so that you can take care of the rest.


  3. I can definitely relate... Don't push it, and do what makes sense to you. The blog and cooking can always wait. Real life comes first.

  4. The strawberries look very romantic and the cake is amazing! I know what you mean about motivation for cooking and drama in life, I am going through a lot lately, too and my motivation and energy (and time) to cook are very low.

  5. I feel like I should be banned from commenting on your blog because all I ever say is "wow that looks delicious, i really wish i could eat it." Unfortunately, thats what I think EVERY time I read you blog, so at the risk of sounding like a broken record, "ditto" to my above sentiment.

  6. Mmm, chocolate covered strawberries! Things can't be too bad if you've got those little blessings in your life :)

  7. You'll be fine, don't stress.

    I love your "chocolate covered oat stuff:, cute.
