Monday, February 14, 2011

Beans and cornbread had a fight!

Saturday was a great day off.  I got many things done as well as ate and made some amazing foods, I even got the chance to watch a movie I had been indenting to see for quite some time.  The day began with some house shopping when I stumbled on a gem.  I may put in an offer on it, we shall see.

Then came some shopping for food.  Although I strongly dislike buying, I really enjoy shopping, especially for food.  One of the places that we stopped at had a pet adoption fair going on next door.  I met this great little guy named Sarge.  After getting the chance to walk him and play with him a bit, I sadly had to return him to his cage and continue with my day.  He seemed like a great guy!

That evening, it was beans and cornbread (had a fight)!  Ashley had been wanting to try my chili and cornbread fit in great with it.  Chili is another recipe that will be held off until the cookbook but I may share the cornbread at some point.

While the chili was simmering flavor, I also took the suggestion of many reads and made the rocky road cookies from the Vegan Cookies Cookbook.  Everyone was right, they are stellar!  Nice and rich with a complex flavor.  It was well worth the wait.


  1. Every dish looks great as always...nice to hear you had a nice day on Saturday.

  2. Is Sarge a puppy or a grown up dog? It must have been sad for both when you had to taking him back to the adoption centre. Will you go back soon??

    The food looks good, cornbread is not something that we see often here.

    have a good day


  3. What movie did you get to watch? I love me some cornbread.

  4. Mmm cornbread--can't beat it for a good Saturday!

  5. after seeing your cornbread i went and made some last night:) i wish you could have taken that dog home!!do you live with any animals?

  6. I just made some chili myself. Perfect food for chilly weather. Great looking cornbread too.
