Saturday, January 1, 2011

Obligatory wrap up

I am not exactly sure what to say about 2010.  In some ways, many things have changed and are heading in the direction I want.  While others feel stagnant and like I have completed a full circle and am right back where I started, which almost feels like I never left.

One of the things I know for sure is that this blog has been a life saver and a great foundation for my life.  Not only did I cross the 340 post mark this year but I posted more in the first six months of 2010 than I had in the previous two years combined.  I hope to continue the consistent posting into 2011.

The last several days were spend at work, both showing houses (which I really enjoy) or at the jobby job.  When I left work this evening, I tried to find some cupcakes at the store to have and share but there was none.  Sadly, I settled on a cookie, seeing a good face for a few minutes, and a thoughtful drive home.  Once I finally got home, I forced my will upon my lack of motivation and made some enchiladas for dinner.  I made sure I made enough to bring to my 17 hour work day tomorrow.

I have some classes coming up this week and it should be a good opportunity for some evenings in the kitchen.


  1. 17 hours is a bit rough...

    Best wishes for a great 2011, and look forward to more of your blogging!


  2. I feel kind of "meh" about 2010, too -- glad it's over!

    Those are some good-looking enchiladas!

  3. Wow, those enchiladas look amazing!

    Take care of yourself.. you are working really really hard.

  4. What a wonderful looking enchilada...I bet it was delicious.

  5. Wishing you a lovely 2011 :-)

    Take care!

  6. 2010 was definitely a very mixed year... But hopefully, that should only make 2011 so much better by contrast! Wishing you a great one! :)
