Monday, January 10, 2011

A little catch up

Today, I fully intended to share a recent dinner with the blog world.  When I awoke, I opted to save it for another day.

Early in the hours of the morning I received a text from my boss at the jobby job.  He said that we would not be open today due to weather.  Living in Atlanta, I have never seen the city shut down due to snow.  Growing up in Maine, the 6 inches of snow we got would barely be mentioned on the news.  Here, all hell has broken loose.  Highways are closed, businesses are vacant, and cars are sitting idly in driveways covered in snow.

This type of day makes me miss Maine.  As a kid, I used to love to make complex snow forts in the yard and jump off the deck into large snow piles.  There will be no snow forts for leaps off my deck today however, I wanted to share this significant day here in Georgia.


  1. I heard it had snowed in the south! Yeah, it's funny when a little bit of snow shuts down cities that don't have plows, eh? We had a couple of school snow days recently, (ODD for Minnesota,) but we got over 17 inches in 24 hours! They actually pulled the city busses and the PLOWS off the roads until it stopped snowing!

  2. Happy snow day! I've been **loving** reading all my ATL friends' comments on facebook about the snow. So much awesomeness! I'm personally over snow and hoping the storm doesn't drop much here tonight, but enjoy! Make some tasty treats on your day off!

  3. Those purple berries look awesome.

    Its been snowing in Scotland on and off and guess what - forget about the city shutting down or coming to a halt - here the whole country was at a stand still.

    Make the most of your day off.

  4. Beautiful pictures! I love this snow! I grew up in a country where 20 inches of snow would not be mentioned on the news :-)

  5. Yeah for a snow day! Beautiful photos!

  6. Pretty pics! Where in Maine did you grow up? I live in Portsmouth, NH

  7. love that snow...its beautiful. We are expecting 7 inches tomorrow by it.

  8. I don't like snow but I love your pictures.

  9. "the 6 inches of snow we got would barely be mentioned on the news. Here, all hell has broken loose."

    this made me LOL ha isnt that funny? i lived in NJ for awhile, i never minded when "all hell broke loose" and school was closed for a few inches of snow:)

    what are those purple berries? good thing they ae not here or i would try to eat them

    "As a kid, I used to love to make complex snow forts"

    this doesnt surprise me at all, while some kids were making sloppy lop-sided snowmen, HM was busy making the infrastructure to support his entire snow KINGDOM!
