Saturday, December 18, 2010

I have a Priscilla

I have a Priscilla!  I am aware that does not make any sense to most people.  Growing up, Priscilla was my Grandfather's wife.  We did not call her our grandmother or step grandmother, she preferred Priscilla.  Never questioning it, that was always who she was.  She played a significant role on my life, especially as I grew older.  She had an urban garden in her backyard and getting involved was always a highlight of my visit.  As I grew older, it tried my best to help plant and tend the garden.  In fact, Priscilla was the person who taught me my first gardening skills.  Now, when I visit Maine, I always make sure I see her, she is important to me.

When I had my first apartment, she got me a sprouting contraption.  I think it was called a Bio-set.  I used it until it broke.  It was amazing to have fresh sprouts.

As I came home yesterday, there was a package on my porch.  All gifts make me happy and when I saw her name on the return label, I knew it would be good.  I tore it open to find a book on kitchen gardening and a new sprouting machine!  I am so excited to use this and will be getting some seeds today.  It is great to have people like this in my life.  I am fortunate.

I also got a few cards.  One was in the package from Priscilla and the other was from my mum.  I appreciate the fact that everyone is my life respects the fact that I am atheist.  All the cards were for seasons greetings or new years.  My mum's card had some great pictures of her birthday party back in November.


  1. I need to get one of those. Yu are lucky, and Priscilla must be a great lady :-).

    Seasons Greeting then, from another atheist.

  2. whoa, that's high-end sprouting. When I read Priscilla I first thought of the West End Musical ;-)

  3. I'd love one of those as I'm just starting cooking for myself (long story, but high time as I'll be 65 this month) and sprouting is something I've also just tried and I love it but would like to have an easier sprouting system so I don't just have jars balanced at angles (always problematic with 3 cats in the house). Can you let me know what the brand name is? Many thanks!
