Sunday, December 5, 2010

Got it!

Although it may seem like a hasty decision to the blog world, it has over a month in the making.  I spluged and bought a high quality blender.  I talked the place down and got a great deal so I feel good about spending the money.

Immediately, I bolted to the store to pick up a few things to blend.  Since I have not been feeling well, I opted for my first experience to be my green smoothie.  I really enjoy these and they are a great way for a sick guy like me to get some raw veggie in me!  I am going to be working over a few of my smoothie recipes over the next few months with my new toy.  I have already made some awesome alterations to this recipe but I will share when I am totally satisfied.

from this..
to this...

Additionally, I got so decent thrift store scores today as well.  I got some fun silverware, two new glasses (one above) and a new bowl.  I am a total thrifting junky.


  1. Congrats! We just got one, too :) We were in the same boat: blenders and food processor broke down. When I found a food processor at a thrift store for $4 we decided that we could splurge on the blender.

    I look forward to your smoothie recipes. We haven't made many, so we'll definitely be looking for inspiration.

  2. what a nice blender, its worth to buy the best. I love love love your new glasses...they are so cute. I am a thrift store junkie and my apartment has been toatally furnished from estate, thrift store and garage sale finds. I love your glasses!

  3. Woohoo for the good blender! What kind is it?

  4. That is awesome. Congrats on the new blender.
