Thursday, December 16, 2010

Forgot the pictures

I realized yesterday that after I posted my recipe for the salad dressing, I forgot to post the rest of the meal.

twice baked potato

soy chicken with black cherry sauce

I am also really excited that I am using my new blender everyday!  I even made a little raspberry smoothie recently.  This new blender is so great.


  1. Major blender envy! Mine died and I am saving up for a VitaMix. Been without smoothies for like 6 months, it's torture!

  2. looks like a feast!

    Thank you for explaining about the powders, I am sure that they probably exist here too, but I never seen them in Italy... or never looked out for them.

    Actually, now I remember when I was camping in Hawaii (better not say how many years ago) I got some kind of food kits for camp cooking there, and there was a sachet of garlic powder.

  3. Mmm that twice baked potato looks killer good!
