Friday, December 10, 2010

Apple Pie Smoothie

My first smoothie creation with my new blender!  I ran out of the main ingredients for my typical green smoothie and did not have time to run to the store before work so I worked with what I had and came out with a treasure.  I considered using oat milk here but the additional fat of the coconut milk really added to the richness of the drink.  It has a nice hearty robust flavor while remaining cool and refreshing.  Not to mention, the home style comfort of the flavors.

Apple Pie Smoothie

1 banana
3 apples (peeled and cored)
2 cups of coconut milk
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla

The apples need to have the cores and peels removed.  Peeling is optional.  If the peels are left on, make sure to puree until they are very small or you will be chewing them.  Leaving the peels on will make is slightly more "mealy".  I used 2 sour apples and one sweet for this but you can mix it up based on taste.

In a blender, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth.

For something additional to take to work with me, I made some mashed potatoes with the few I had left.  Always a great addition to any meal. 


  1. Love that smoothie! And mashed potatoes are good all the time. I should make some this weekend.

  2. The apple pie smoothie sounds super yummy, great idea.

  3. Well, this is a top smoothie, possibly the healthier apple pie around too.

    I answered to your comment about the knife (got it in Italy btw), but it took me a while to understand what you were talking about it! hahahaha!

    Hope ou like the sauce too...

  4. what a refeshing smoothie...Excellent!

  5. That looks delicious. I love apple pie flavors

  6. It looks great! I wonder if you could heat it up for a warm evening treat.

  7. Email me your contact info so I can send you a cookie book!
    spaceyxlacey at gmail dot com
