Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pumpkin Pancakes

A lazy (and rare) Sunday off and Ashley and I had planned to head out to Dough in the morning for some stealth breakfast.  Sadly, they opted to do a stealth dinner instead.  With effort to make due, we had our own stealth breakfast.  We made some pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin muffins!

Interestingly, as we were making them, I looked at Ashley and asked "have you ever had pumpkin pancakes or muffins?"  She said "nope".  My response? "Me either.  I don't really think I like pumpkin."  She chuckled and said "me either."

To our surprise, these pancakes were great.  The pumpkin did not over power the traditional pancake flavor and the texture was almost silky.  We were both surprised full after each gobbling up a plate full.  Despite being full, we neither of us could wait to try the muffins.

If I blog about the muffins now, what will I post tomorrow?  Patience.

Pumpkin Pancakes

1  1/2 cups of flour
1  1/4 cup of non-dairy milk
5 tablespoons of pumpkin puree
3 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1  1/2 tablespoons of vegan margarine
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of cardamom
1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon of salt

Allow the margarine to soften to room temperature.

In a large bowl, combine and mix all dry ingredients.  Then add the pumpkin puree, margarine, non-dairy milk and mix well (a hand mixer works best).  This should be a wet and smooth mixture.  Heat a flat frying pan on med-low heat with a bit of additional oil or vegan margarine.

Once hot, pour pancake batter onto pan, the cakes should be about 6 inches from side to side and you should get about 6 pancakes.  Cook until most all of the bubbles that form pop, then flip.  Each side should cook about 8 minutes.


  1. that sounds so good. its wholesome and very tasty.

  2. Those look great... and so does your peanut butter fudge in your last post!

  3. Yep, good way to use up pumpkin, it is not one of my favourites either, but I do find it quite versatile, especially for sweet stuff. And you are right, it seems to give a velvety texture to food :-)


  4. Please send your contact details to me as you've won a package of Soy Curls and I have no other way to contact you! Congrats!

  5. I love when I think I don't like something, and then end up cooking with it for some reason, and THEN end up loving it!

    Hurray for pumpkins pancakes :)

  6. Ashley is a lucky girl to have you, cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. The pancakes sound delicious!

  7. so awesome that you both ended up liking pumpkin! w00t! your pumpkin pancakes look divine! perfect for fall and perfect for a lazy sunday as well. mmmmmmm!

  8. I'm glade these turned out great for you since you don't really like pumpkin. I like pumpkin, but not in sweet things. Maybe your pancakes can change my mind.

  9. Unlike many others, I like pumpkin and I LOVE those pancakes! Yum!

  10. Great idea! Sounds like an awesome winter brunch :)

  11. Pumpkin pumpkin everywhere! My son has been wanting pumpkin pancakes soooooo I guess I should eh?

  12. Gotta try these---they sound great! Pumpkin is much more versatile than most people think, and the roasted seeds are fabulous, too. We made a tasty pumpkin lasagne recently---pretty much just layered pumpkin puree with Daiya chreeze, pasta sauce and lasagna noodles. And our chickens loved their half-pumpkins that we baked for them---plucked the jack o'lanterns off the curb where so many folks were leaving them out with their leaf piles after Halloween. (Not ones that were all burnt up, of course!)
