Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pizza and Ryan Harvey

Ashley and I wanted to continue our lazy Sunday with some pizza before we went out that night.  Ashley has turned me on to what she calls Salsa Pizza.  We picked up some non-dairy cheese, some dough, fresh tomatoes, fresh cilantro, the final green pepper from my garden, fresh onion, and some soy peperoni.

the final pepper from my garden this year

The dough rolled out perfectly, we chopped some garlic and tossed it in some hot sauce, spread it over the sauce and added the cheese and veggies.  This pizza was an excellent dinner to compliment the assortment of pumpkin items from our breakfast.

That night we headed to WonderRoot to see Ryan Harvey play.  He is a political folk/punk singer from Baltimore.  It was a lot of fun and nice to see Ryan play.  If you have never heard Ryan Harvey, go check him out, you can download all of his songs for free on his website.  We stuck around for a few songs from The Wild but they were a little too "pop" punk for my taste.


  1. Vegetarian pepperoni.... I am really surprised at all the things you can get where you are... Here the veggies sausage types are just a few (veeeery few), and they sit alongside the normal sausages in the supermarket.

    Plus, most taste like cardboard!

  2. Yum! That pizza looks perfect. I love those flavors.. and your pumpkin muffins in last post look rich and sinful!

  3. Ok that pizza looks way too good, and why haven't I ever thought of making salsa pizza? Such a good idea.

  4. A great pizza and a nice day...too good.
