Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Easy Lunch and Chickpea Failure

I invited Ashley over for lunch, after her class and before I had to leave for work, which typically results in a late lunch.  I had some left over eggplant and portabello mushrooms.  Ashley encouraged me to do something with them and I did!

Nothing innovative, simple fried some onions and garlic, drenched them in pasta sauce, added the sliced eggplant and mushrooms topped with vegan cheese.  Baked it for a bit and it was great!

However, we also decided to try a chickpea dish that was a total failure.  In fact, it was so bad that neither of us finished our plate.  Yuck.  Win some, lose some.

Quality photoshop skills, do not deny it.


  1. Aw, stink about the chickpeas (what could go so wrong?!) but mmm that lunch looks fabulous!

  2. Yeah, how can you fail with chickpeas?!
    Now I'm curious, hah.

    Anyway, the other dish looks fantastic!

  3. Ha! The scribbles over your chickpeas made me laugh. Sorry it was a bomb! We've all had those.

  4. i totally laughed out loud really hard when i saw the chickpeas! i think people are kinda wondering what all the racket is coming from my office. ahahahahahahahaa! sadface on the chickpea fail, but kick ass on the rock'n eggplant mushroom bake. it looks so melty and yummy and mmmmmmmm!

  5. No way, a chickpea dish fails to make it - how could this be?!

  6. wow, that eggplant/mushroom pasta looks really good.
    i'm totally cracking up at the x-out on the chickpeas. i teach college level art, and some people turn in that kind of stuff! you could give up real estate for an art career!

  7. Tell me more about the failed chickpeas!! They look good ( and so does your eggplant )

  8. if you failed once you can alwats try will be fine the next time...good job buddy.

  9. I am all over the eggplant/mushroom lunch...

    The chickpeas don't look bad to me, but I love your doctored photo! LOL!

  10. Clever of you to have the eggplant and mushroom bake as the main then!

    Did you start with dried chickpeas? Here where I leave they are all imported and heat treated and impossible to cook. I have to buy canned chickpeas (always from Italy, to be safe) fancy that!!

    I am a chickpea snob. Geeeeeeeee

  11. At first I thought that "x" was made out of wire LOL! Nice!

  12. I made something like that with eggplants recently and loved it so much! I added some lasagna noodles and it was like eggplant parm-sagna..

    As for the chickpeas, it was worth a shot!

  13. i'm sorry about your chickpea failure, but I absolutely love your graphic with the big "x". It cracked me up. Better luck next time, banzo!
