Friday, November 5, 2010


Friday's are brutal for me.  For my readers, it means you get a cop-out post.  Typically, Thursday's are a double shift (15 or so hours) and I do not get home until about 2-3am early Friday morning.  I get to sleep in a bit before I am headed back into work for another 12 hour shift at 3pm to 3am.  Brutal.

Needless to say, it is the main reason why I do not have much time or motivation to cook and post decent blogs toward the end of the week.  Someone please buy a few houses and help me get my life back!

Either way, in the spirit of keeping up with Vegan MoFo, I wanted to drop a quick post.  I found some pictures of food that I have eaten recently and several pictures of the recent Smoky Mountain trip that I had yet to share.  Enjoy the cop-out post.

Ranch Dressing used for some soy chickens.

soy ice cream as a bedtime snack


  1. Sorry about your work schedule. Hope things change for you soon.
    Those pic's are beautiful!

    Oh get some sleep.

  2. Gorgeous pics, esp the spider's web.

    You are a very hard worker indeed.

  3. What beautiful pictures! Fall is such a pretty season. That salad looks awesome, I should give that ranch dressing recipe a try as my boyfriend really misses ranch dressing since going vegan.

    Please enter my great CSN stores giveaway:


  4. fun. i love going through some of my old photos for the mofo (or just a cop-out).
    as for the process of canning, it involved two bushels of apples, a couple kitchen gadgets, and one REALLY tired girl. but, i got to give a little food love out at xmas time.

  5. Love all the nature photos! And, ice cream for a bedtime snack is ok by me!

  6. beautiful pictures! I didn't know that real estate agents work until 3 am. Are you showing some haunted houses or trying to get some vampires as potential buyers? That sucks working that late.
