Friday, November 19, 2010

Atlanta Sedition Orchestra

This weekend is the annual protest at School Of the Americas, the SOA Watch.  Thursday night, at Eyedrum there was a benefit event.  Ashley and I went and got there in time to see the final song of Emma's Revolution.  We saw the entire set of M.U.G.A.B.E.E. just before the brief intermission.

Not long after people began to roam around, we began to hear the sounds of the Atlanta Sedition Orchestra.  This is the reason I wanted to go.  These folks were so much fun to watch.  A group of radical musicians wailing out in the middle of the room, leading parades through the chairs and forming semi-circles of inspired sounds reminiscent of a time in my live that I have fond memories of.  Then, the marched back out the front door as loudly and ambitiously as they had arrived.

The Atlanta Sedition Orchestra is really a revolutionary art in motion.  Amazing to watch and makes you dream of better days.

My internet is back, no thanks to anyone but myself.  DIY or DIE I suppose, or at least go without the internet.  The good news is that despite the wrench in the works, I still did not miss a Vegan MoFo post!  That makes 19 in a row!  Given that this is a MoFo post I thought I should show what I ate for dinner before we head out to Eyedrum.

Mashed Cauliflower

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Vic! You won a Tofutti coupon! I might still have your address in my email, but send it again, just in case!
