Monday, October 4, 2010

Park it!

I have had an exciting summer of travel and leisure.  Sure, I worked far to many hours between my two jobs but I also was able to close on a few houses which was very satisfying and something I really enjoy.

This summer lead to my first caving experience, many amazing waterfalls in Virgina,  massive mountain and canyons in the south west, my first garden at the new house, and many National Parks.  In fact, I attended Shenandoah, Mammoth Cave, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Death Valley.  All in the past 4 months.  I have seen some amazing sites with some amazing people.  I hope to see several more National Parks during my travels next summer.  In fact, I already have some trips in the works.

The summer is winding down here in Georgia.  I had to break out my mummy pjs last night to avoid the chilly night air.  Summer is officially over and much of my vacation time is officially gone.

I am able to squeeze in one last trip before the end of the year though.  Ashley and I a headed to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park near the end of the month to catch some fall foliage and have a relaxing couple days hiking in the mountains.  A last hurrah! of sorts.

I can always tell how good my summer was by the markings on my feet.  This year they were great!  It has been an eventful summer and I will miss it.

Although short lived here in Georgia, I do enjoy fall.  I am looking forward to soups and roasted vegetables!


  1. Haha, awesome tan line! I feel the fall thing, it's downright chilly up here in VA all of a sudden. The smokies sounds like the perfect color-finding trip for the trees though!

  2. what a nice tan...

    keep traveling if you only live once....enjoy it.

  3. YAY! for traveling! Summer is winding down here in Spain too though out winters are very mild here. My tan line is always a V shape from wearing flip flops.

  4. i'm planning a trip to the smokey moutains in the spring. was it wonderful? any tips on hiking trails or the like?

  5. ooh, enjoy the smokies! that's so awesome! and hooray for getting in lots of adventures over the summer! fall is short lived here in virginia, too - but i plan on soaking up as much of it as i can. i'm also looking forward to roasted veggies, soup, and i love me some casseroles, too. yay!

  6. I am planning to spotlight and feature throughout the month of November cookies that vegans can enjoy for the Holidays. These cookies are all made by my blogroll vegan friends.

    I would like to include you as one of my blog guests for that month.

    Every 4 days I will highlight one of my vegan bloggers from my blogroll with one of their best holiday cookie recipes. I will highlight their blog on my blog for 4 days.

    I will post the written information they sent me for the month of November for 4 days. Then I will highlight another blogger friend. Once I have highlighted you, you then need to post it on your blog sending your blogger friends towards my blog to see your guest post.

    Make sure your recipe is not complicated.

    If you are interested to join me on this month of great vegan or raw cookie recipes please email me all the information I have requested by October 20th.

    Your entry must be in writing and sent to me via email. I need you to send me a photo of yourself and a photo of your family. In your summary tell me a little bit about yourself, where yo live, your marital status, your career and of course your recipe complete with a photograph of your cookies.

    Thank you.
