Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A new blog?

As I gear up for another short vacation I have been working many hours.  In fact, I am sneaking in few hours of overtime this week.  Sometimes I am not sure where I find the hours.  I am actually beginning another blog as well.  It is for my Real Estate career.  It is still in it's basic stages but it can already be viewed here.

Going to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park this time of the year should yield some outstanding foliage photos.  In fact, I have been reading up on them and plan to try and get some great shots to share.  We will see.

With working long hours, getting ready for the last vacation of the year, and working on a new blog, I have not had much time to cook.  However, I did whip up some fries the other day!  I can never go wrong with a big plate of oily and salty french fries.  Great comfort food!


  1. This is the second vacation location that matches mine this year, the first being Vegas. I am heading down to eastern TN for Thanksgiving :) Have fun!

  2. nice new blog..looking forward to check it out every so often. My son just purchased a 3 1/2 acre farmhouse here in Ohio. It was very well cared for and for $165,000 he had to buy it with the low interest rate right now. Love the dish...looks very yummy.

  3. i've been mixing my fries up lately - garlic powder, cajun spice and even some lovely bacon bits!

  4. Yum. Love the fries. And the other blog looks great.

  5. I firmly believe that it's impossible to go wrong with potato products, and you fries look delicious!
