Friday, October 8, 2010

Dinner of favorites

My few days away from the jobby job were not totally spent in isolation and lazy behavior.  In fact I got a few needed things down around the house.  Nothing fancy, just general home maintenance.  I cleaned the gutters, for the second time.  I am still scared of falling while I am up there but this time it was far easier.  I also cleaned my HVAC filter.  I have never done that but need to do it regularly.  Once I was confident that I knew how to do clean it, it was actually quite easy.

The grand finale of the days off was a little dinner.  Ashley came over and we has some old favorites (some with a new twist).

Zucchini and Yellow Pepper

"Cheesy" Potatoes

I also took some of the remaining apples and made an ice cream but it did not come out the way I intended.  I will continue to work on it.  It is back to work for the weekend but there may be some highlights.  Netherworld?


  1. What seitan recipe did you use for your steaks? I hope the apple ice cream at least tasted good.

  2. Those seitan states always get me. It all looks so delicious. Any recipe forthcoming for the "cheesy potatoes"? Or is that in your cookbook.

  3. Wow.... finger licken' good food.

  4. I want the seitan steak recipe too! The whole meal looks fantastic.

  5. the seitan steaks recipe is already on the blog. they are sooo yummy :)

  6. Vic, I haven't been picking on you as much recently, but this is too confusing to let slip by quietly. Exactly what were you intending to say!? :) Amy

    "I also cleaned my HVAC filter. I have never done that but s[t]ill continue to do it regularly. Once I was confident that I knew how to do it, it was actually quite easy."
