Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day Three; ramsey cascades

Ashley and I awoke to another early alarm.  We had decided to take a long hike to view one of the largest waterfalls in the area.  This was another day when I regretted not even packing a long sleeve shirt.  We were in the woods just past dawn and it was about 40 degrees.  The higher in elevation we hiked, the colder we got.

We got to Ramsey Falls after a few hours of hiking and were taken back with the sight.  It was an outrageous amount of water flowing over the rocks.  The waterfall spray was so cold that we could not stay long, we needed to stay active to stay warm.

To our surprise, although the Ramsey Cascade waterfall was impressive, the best part of the hike was the massive old growth trees found about 2 and a half miles in.  We got our first glimpses of these tremendous trees as we hiked up a steep hill.  Once at the top, the path opened up slightly and on either side of us were trunks that created a gate like appearance.  These tree were at least 20 feet around.  As the hike continued, these ancient specimens of a time forgotten were speckled throughout the forest.

Much of the hike was along a rushing brook that was littered with rocks.  The rocks were covered in dead leaves which made for some more amazing images and slippery steps.

As we traveled back out of the 8-9 mile hike it was mid-day.  We were finally seeing other hikers and I was able to get a few more great foliage pictures.  This was a rugged hike and we were tired when we finished.

That evening we took it easy, resting our bodies.  We ate some more pizza at what seemed to be the only vegan friendly spot in town and played some games.  With intent to experience another early morning, we headed to bed early.


  1. Oh my goodness, those leaves! I hope they still have some in a few weeks when I'm down there ;)

  2. I absolutely looove these pics!

    have a nice time,

  3. Beautiful pics!

    Have a lovely day :-)

  4. Beautiful waterfall and autumn foliage! I bet the pizza tasted extra good after a rugged hike and fending off the chill.

  5. Wow! Stunning pictures! I wish I could be there! And you narrated this hiking trip very well, great writing! :)

  6. the waterfals remind me of Puerto Rico and the trees are gorgeous.
