Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Taking care of business

Over the week of illness, I was not able (or willing) to get much done.  I went to Ashley's house for dinner a couple of times.  She made some amazing eggplant dish that inspired me.  More on that soon.

While I was away, Ashley watered the garden daily!  It was so nice of her and now I am reaping the rewards.  My first garden at my house is slowly coming alive!  I have a few bell peppers coming in, several okra popping up, a handful of jalapeno peppers and even a few tiny summer squash are starting to spring from the vines.  Not to mention the resurgence of the mint and basil!  I can not wait to cook with some of my new veggies!

In the midst of being sick I was able to eat a few nice salads.  These were very tasty.  I will continue to make these and find the perfect fitting dressing to share!

As always, I never forget a bedtime snack!  Ashley made me these awesome s'mores cookies.  They were so good.  Maybe she will make me more....


  1. How nice of Ashley to help you out while traveling and while you are on the mend. Hope you're back to normal soon!

  2. ooh, those s'mores cookies look amazing!!! the garden is also looking good :)
    yesterday daniel and i were looking at bread labels and daniel noticed one that was vegan! normal grocery store bread! who knew normal food could be vegan? besides oreos, apparently. haha.


  3. happy to hear you are mending well.*
